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The Gathering Place Blog

Happy New Year!

Raise your hand if 2016 was a challenging year… Maybe it was, but there were some fantastic things that happened and PBS NewsHour has chronicled “13 undeniably good things that happened in 2016” ( Among them, we particularly like that the unemployment rate hit a pre-recession low and the high school graduation rate reached a record high.

Similarly, we offer this 13 item list of undeniably good things that happened at The Gathering Place in 2016:
1. We celebrated TGP’s 30th Birthday!
2. TGP provided a safe place for 7,938 individuals who visited TGP 61,744 times.
3. Cards and art were sold for more than $25,000 in income for artists in The Card Project and Art Restart.
4. Food Program staff and volunteers prepared and served 65,544 fresh and nutritious meals.
5. The food pantries distributed 62,963 pounds of food, 2,367 toiletry bags, and 17,060 diapers.
6. Our Education Program had 112 participating students and 2 of them earned high school equivalency certificates.
7. The Gala and Colorado Gives Day fundraising efforts both set agency revenue records.
8. Our ever-popular Computer Lab was utilized 6,156 times by 1,165 members.
9. The Physical and Mental Health Program facilitated 263 counseling sessions and 564 medical screenings onsite.
10. The Arts Program had 278 members participating, entered a community crocheted piece for WalkDenver’s “Art on the Ave” project, and started a Music Group.
11. Our Advocacy Committee joined the coalition that supported passing the bill to increase the minimum wage in Colorado.
12. Our Job Readiness Program hosted 5 onsite hiring events that resulted in real jobs for many of our members.
13. The Member Engagement Steering Committee instituted new ways for members to take leadership roles at TGP, like organizing and implementing the Chore Cart.

2017 holds great promise too. Thanks for being part of the TGP community!